The Blog

Featured image for “Embrace Winter Wellness: A Guide to Thriving in the Cold Season”
Embrace Winter Wellness: A Guide to Thriving in the Cold Season
  As the chill of winter sets in, maintaining our health and wellness becomes more crucial than ever. At It’s Time Texas, we understand the importance of preventive care and health access, especially during the colder months. Join us on…
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November 30, 2023

Featured image for “Family Health History Day: How Talking to Family Can Help Your Health”
Family Health History Day: How Talking to Family Can Help Your Health
During the holidays, when families come together, is a great time to talk about something very important – your family’s health history. As a statewide public health nonprofit, we’re all about providing support and resources to improve health and wellness.…
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November 23, 2023

Featured image for “Preventing Chronic Disease: Generational Behavior Change”
Preventing Chronic Disease: Generational Behavior Change
When it comes to health, the actions we take today can have a lasting impact on the generations that follow. It’s a powerful thought, isn’t it? It’s Time Texas is here to delve into the incredible potential of generational behavior…
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November 9, 2023

Featured image for “Diabetes: Understanding the Risk, Prevalence, and Prevention ”
Diabetes: Understanding the Risk, Prevalence, and Prevention 
Diabetes is a widespread health concern affecting millions of lives across the nation. In this blog, we’ll unravel the complexities of diabetes, its prevalence in Texas compared to the U.S., and the steps you can take to manage and prevent…
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November 2, 2023

Featured image for “Finding Ways to Put Yourself First: Getting Healthy as a Parent When Time and Energy Are Limited”
Finding Ways to Put Yourself First: Getting Healthy as a Parent When Time and Energy Are Limited
Parenthood is a beautiful journey, but it can also be an incredibly demanding one. Between the school runs, work commitments, and endless to-do lists, taking care of yourself might seem like a distant dream. Rest assured, It’s Time Texas is…
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November 1, 2023

Featured image for “7 Stretches to Keep You in the Game”
7 Stretches to Keep You in the Game
Here are some stretches you can do from the couch to help relieve tension and improve flexibility while your’re cheering for the Texas Rangers and watching the World Series! Couch Neck Stretch: Sit on the edge of your couch with…
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October 27, 2023

Featured image for “How to Change Your Life and Your Habits When Life Is Busy”
How to Change Your Life and Your Habits When Life Is Busy
Life can get seriously crazy, right? It’s easy for our healthy routines to go MIA when work, family, and other commitments are all competing for our attention.  Even when it feels like there’s no time left in the day, there…
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October 26, 2023

Featured image for “Decoding Food Labels and Making Informed Choices!”
Decoding Food Labels and Making Informed Choices!
As we embark on our health improvement journey, it’s essential to decipher the seemingly obscure language of food labels. Let’s unravel the truth behind common claims found on our favorite products: “All Natural”: While products labeled as “all-natural” can’t have…
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October 19, 2023

Featured image for “Embracing Lasting Change: Insights and Tips for a Healthier, Happier You”
Embracing Lasting Change: Insights and Tips for a Healthier, Happier You
Congratulations, you’re on a journey towards a healthier, happier you. As we explore some insightful takeaways and valuable tips, remember that the power to change is within you.  Start Small, Stay Consistent: Transforming your habits doesn’t require massive leaps. Begin…
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October 10, 2023

Featured image for “10 Ways to Prioritize Your Health While Attending a Conference ”
10 Ways to Prioritize Your Health While Attending a Conference 
Conferences are exciting opportunities for learning and networking, but they can also make it challenging to maintain our healthy routines. As the Healthier Texas Summit approaches, we’re here with ten strategies to ensure you can make the most of the…
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October 2, 2023

Featured image for “5 Tips for a Healthier Back to School, Texas Edition”
5 Tips for a Healthier Back to School, Texas Edition
*Written by our Lead Telehealth Coach, Natalie Richardson, sharing valuable insights on improving your health and wellness. Happy back-to-school days! With school back in session, you’re probably getting the hang of the school schedule and getting back in the routine,…
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September 25, 2023

Featured image for “2022 It’s Time Texas Sweet Summer Habits Campaign”
2022 It’s Time Texas Sweet Summer Habits Campaign
  It’s Time Texas is hosting a free, statewide Sweet Summer Habits Campaign to encourage all Texans to kick off summer on the right foot by practicing healthy habits. With a downloadable calendar full of healthy activities, virtual physical activity…
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May 27, 2022

Featured image for “Registro de actividades saludables”
Registro de actividades saludables
Estamos en la recta final del Community Challenge y siento que no estoy lista para dejar de registrar todas las actividades saludables que realizo durante el día, mentiría si dijera que no disfruto ver mi lista de “My reported activity”…
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February 24, 2021

5 Ways to Incorporate Healthy Eating Habits at Home
  We are going through some unprecedented times causing a lot of us spend more time and meals at our homes. This extra time spent at home can really influence our eating choices. For many of us coming up with…
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January 22, 2021

Featured image for “From mindless munching to family feasts: Unpacking emotional eating”
From mindless munching to family feasts: Unpacking emotional eating
If you’ve ever watched a food commercial (or simply walked upright), you’ve probably picked up on the idea that eating isn’t always about physical hunger. At different times, we may use food as a comfort, incentive, distraction, or reward. Maybe…
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February 2, 2020