The Blog

All About “Leanwashing”
The grocery store is filled with an abundance of food choices, and it may seem easy to distinguish the healthy snacks from the unhealthy ones. Food brands label their products with phrases like “multigrain, light, fat-free, no sugar added, and all…
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July 1, 2015

Jinu’s Favorite Homemade Sweet Potato Fries!
When I entered college I knew I wanted to continue eating healthy and started seeking out healthy cooking alternatives to fast food and greasy dining hall options. I found several easy recipes that provide similar tastes to the unhealthy foods I craved,…
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June 23, 2015

Tuning In: Favorite Healthy Podcasts!
Podcasts are more popular and relevant than ever. If you’re not already addicted like me, I encourage you to try them out. I listen in the car, at work, and in the gym, and podcasts have tons of subjects that can…
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June 22, 2015

Start Planning a Fall Growing Healthy Schools Project!
School staff, administrators, PTA and SHAC members – it’s not too soon to start planning a Growing Healthy Schools project for the fall! The fall session begins on September 14th and will close on November 20th. Within those ten weeks, we…
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June 18, 2015

Homemade Gummies (With Protein)!
I am a sucker for gummies and unfortunately I cave into eating gummie candy to get my fill. So I hunted for homemade recipes on Pinterest and found some recipes that taste great! The one I like the best is from…
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June 11, 2015

Going Low-Carb the Right Way!
We hear the word “healthy” being used over and over again, but when it comes to food, it’s hard to know what a healthy diet really consists of. It seems there’s a new fad diet out every month, but which…
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June 9, 2015

Healthy & Homemade on a Time Budget!
The easiest ways to ensure that we are eating whole, real foods is to cook at home! By making food from real ingredients, not only do we eat more nutritious meals, we don’t over-salt and over-sweeten nearly as much as…
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June 1, 2015

You’re Sweet Enough Already (Without all the Sugar)!
Sugar was a rare find in pre-modern times, and now it’s nearly impossible to avoid. It’s no wonder sugar consumption has skyrocketed over the years, and with it, the prevalence of chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Depression…
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May 27, 2015

Fitness For The Brain!
When we exercise, we usually do it with the intention of losing weight, improving cardiovascular health, or building muscle, but many recent studies suggest that physical activity improves cognitive function as well. In experimental studies, rats that performed cardiovascular exercise had improved…
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May 20, 2015

Ending Cancer: MD Anderson
Making Cancer History in Texas, the nation, and the world. This is the mission of The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, and they’re tackling cancer from every angle by delivering the highest quality care, conducting cutting-edge research on cancer prevention,…
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May 14, 2015

Who You’ll Discover at the Summit Expo: FitKit!
40 of Texas’ most health-conscious businesses and organizations will be exhibiting their products and services at the Summit, from mobile technology to workplace wellness tools, healthy snacks (which means delicious samples…) tools for educators, and more! Amie Hoff is the creator…
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May 5, 2015

Hacking for a Healthier Texas!
The inaugural Hack For Health, presented by Freescale, was a huge success. Both student and professional teams competed in each of the three project categories: creative, tech, and business development. The teams tackled complex projects to further develop three of our…
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April 25, 2015

#TXLege Wants to Hear From YOU About Health:
The Texas legislature meets for just 140 days every other year, which means the pace for the legislative session is quite a bit faster than your typical Texas two-step. But just as there are kind folks to guide you through…
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April 21, 2015

What the iWatch Can Do For Your Health!
You’ve seen it all over the news: you can now preorder the Apple iWatch, set to launch on April 24th! The iWatch is water resistant, with a large variety of bands to choose from, designed to fit any wrist. Apple…
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April 14, 2015

MapMyFitness: Discover New Routes To Mix It Up!
  Have you ever been in a situation where you wanted to go for a run, but didn’t know where a good spot was? Or have you decided you want to train for a 5k, but don’t know where to start?…
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April 1, 2015