The Blog

June 22, 2015

Tuning In: Favorite Healthy Podcasts!


Podcasts are more popular and relevant than ever. If you’re not already addicted like me, I encourage you to try them out. I listen in the car, at work, and in the gym, and podcasts have tons of subjects that can fit your interests.  These are my favorite fitness & nutrition casts to tune in to:


Dishing Up Nutrition: This podcast is run by licensed nutritionists that provide practical solutions for healthier living through your eating habits. They help teach you how to increase your energy and mood, jumpstart your metabolism and  lose weight the healthy way, all through nutrition. When the episodes stream live, listeners can call in with questions!


Half Size Me: This podcast is run by host Heather Robertson, who lost 170 pounds realistically, safely, and purely through better nutritional choices and physical activity. She interviews others who have had similar transformations and gives tips on how to take practical steps to lose weight and keep it off. Whether you have a lot or a little to lose, her tips and accomplishments are inspiring.


TEDTalks Health: Who doesn’t love TEDTalks? These lectures from doctors and researchers showcase their discoveries on medicine and general well being.  All of these podcasts focus on health, but with a very broad topic range- from mental illness to vaccines. Happy casting!


By Lauren Venticinque, Events & Initiatives Intern from San Antonio, TX

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