The Blog

April 25, 2015

Hacking for a Healthier Texas!

The inaugural Hack For Health, presented by Freescale, was a huge success. Both student and professional teams competed in each of the three project categories: creative, tech, and business development. The teams tackled complex projects to further develop three of our newest programs including our Teach Healthier Mobile App, which launched in December, and the Choose Healthier Deals program launching in 2016.


Members of Texas Tycoon, the winning student team in the business development category, chose to participate in the Hack For Health to learn from the professional teams. “We got closer as a group, and we also gained valuable experience… I learned so much in just fifteen minutes.”


These UT – Austin students devoted many hours to the Hack because, for them, the health crisis is personal. “It’s very personal for all of us. My family is very southern,” a member of the team shared, “and we cook with lard and all of the fats… vegetables have no nutritional value by the time we’re done with them. Me and my mom eat healthier now, but it’s hard to reach the rest of our family. I really want to make a difference in this area.” Whether they have struggled with being overweight themselves or lost a family member too soon from associated chronic diseases, members of every team had a story to tell. Some of Austin’s most talented students and professionals stepped up today and pitched powerful solutions with passion, because at this point, it’s personal.

Congratulations to the winning student teams in each category, and to our winning professional teams: Y&R Austin, Sense Corp and HCB Health! Each and every pitch we saw today contained brilliant elements we will incorporate into our future work.


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