The Blog

Featured image for “Tips to Have a Healthy Thanksgiving!”
Tips to Have a Healthy Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving is usually focused on two things: giving thanks, and eating a whole lot, but Thanksgiving doesn’t have to be all about stuffing yourself! Here are ideas for you, your family, and friends can have a tasty Thanksgiving while getting…
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November 4, 2016

Featured image for “How to Have a Healthy and Happy Halloween!”
How to Have a Healthy and Happy Halloween!
  Halloween is just around the corner, which means we’ll soon be inundated with more sugary sweets and treats than we’ll know what to do with. But Halloween doesn’t have to be all about candy. Here are some tips and ideas…
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October 25, 2016

Featured image for “Creating a Self Care Routine on a Budget!”
Creating a Self Care Routine on a Budget!
When we think about self-care we often think about paying for a service like a massage. Unfortunately, not everyone has the luxury of getting professional massages on a regular basis. Also, we often don’t think about the other areas of…
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October 13, 2016

Featured image for “The Cost of Tobacco Use in Texas”
The Cost of Tobacco Use in Texas
The danger of tobacco use is by no means news to anybody nowadays, and yet it remains the #1 cause of preventable death in Texas. In Travis county alone, tobacco related causes accounted for 785 preventable deaths in 2013, more…
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September 7, 2016

Featured image for “Keeping Kids Happy & Healthy in the New School Year!”
Keeping Kids Happy & Healthy in the New School Year!
The kids are back at school and busy schedules are in full swing. The summer was fun and relaxing, but now you find yourself wondering how to keep physical activity a part of your child’s daily routine as well as…
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September 1, 2016

Featured image for “What is a Culture of Health? What Does it Take for a Community to Get There?”
What is a Culture of Health? What Does it Take for a Community to Get There?
At IT’S TIME TEXAS, our goal is to empower Texans to lead healthier lives and build healthier communities. In order to build those healthier communities and lives, we first have to have an idea as to what a healthy living…
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August 25, 2016

Featured image for “Is a Personal Fitness Tracker Right for YOO?”
Is a Personal Fitness Tracker Right for YOO?
Written By Maggie Wagner, Marketing Coordinator, IT’S TIME TEXAS Up until about 3 weeks ago, I had absolutely zero experience with personal fitness trackers. Then, the kind folks at YOO Fitness generously offered some of their devices to IT’S TIME…
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August 5, 2016

Featured image for “Is Pokemon GO an Actual Workout?”
Is Pokemon GO an Actual Workout?
A new gaming app has made its way into the hands of the general public, and it seems like everybody and their mother has downloaded it. Pokemon Go was released less than a week ago, and already it has found…
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July 12, 2016

Featured image for “#healthyTXsummer Photo Contest!”
#healthyTXsummer Photo Contest!
Nobody knows summer heat quite like us Texans and despite our greatest efforts, we often feel that we must sacrifice some of our healthy regimens to keep our sanity and safety. From taking a jog outside to simply walking through…
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July 6, 2016

Featured image for “Have a Sun-Safe Summer and Educate Little Texans!”
Have a Sun-Safe Summer and Educate Little Texans!
With summer in full swing, many Texans are already hibernating where there’s central air, but we are all seeing more of that hot, hot sun whether we like it or not! Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States…
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June 23, 2016

Featured image for “Is Exercise Always Better Together?”
Is Exercise Always Better Together?
Working out in itself can be quite a feat for most of us. Just getting to the gym or getting out of the house can be tough. Moreover, whom you work out with (or without) can make a big difference.…
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June 20, 2016

Featured image for “There’s No Health Without Mental Health”
There’s No Health Without Mental Health
Written by Karen Ranus, executive director of NAMI Austin   Have you ever felt a little “blue” when you’re battling a lingering illness or experienced absolutely no desire for physical activity when you’re in an emotional funk? We have a tendency…
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May 4, 2016

Featured image for “Get a Full-Body Workout Outdoors!”
Get a Full-Body Workout Outdoors!
If you’re someone who believes the only way to get a full-body workout is at the gym, we want to prove you wrong! There are a lot of at-home or at-the-park ways to get that full body workout you’re looking…
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April 21, 2016

Can’t Concentrate This Afternoon? You Might Be Dehydrated.
  It’s one of those things you’ve been lectured to about more times than you can remember, but staying hydrated is an essential for your health, and being dehydrated can come with some very unfortunate and unexpected side effects.  …
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April 19, 2016

Take a FREE Fitness Class Every Day of SXSW!
South by Southwest is bringing more than just film, media and music to Austin this year. IT’S TIME TEXAS and Choose Healthier want to make sure there’s plenty of fitness opportunities too! We’re partnering up with some of our favorite Choose…
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March 4, 2016