The Blog

A Simple Way to Track Your Active Life: Nike+ and Fuelband
The Nike+ system has remodeled its shoe design and construction significantly for its customers just in the past decade. In 2006, the system debuted and originally worked with first generation iPods. (That’s a throwback!) It tracked how many miles you…
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February 4, 2015

Virtual Racing: Run With A Group, Every Time!
When you hear the term ‘virtual race,’ you probably picture a controller in your hand and a character on a screen. However, in reality you’re much more than Player One! Virtual races are almost exactly the same as ‘real’ races,…
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February 2, 2015

Group Fitness Is Not Just For Athletes: The X-Train Story
We met with Barron Jackson at his X-Train facility on West Anderson Lane yesterday, and he immediately had us all laughing. Barron started out at A&M Corpus Christi studying to become a radiologist, discovered partying, and then accidentally discovered his…
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January 30, 2015

Community Challenge Spotlight: Coppell!
The small city of Coppell, Texas has been in the lead in their Community Challenge bracket since day one. They have everyone in their city involved in the Challenge from local businesses, to local schools, to their incredibly fit (and…
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January 28, 2015

Healthy, Happy, and Zombie Free!
What a perfect morning for a run: cool air, birds singing, a beautiful sunrise, and not a zombie in sight! Wait, you haven’t heard about zombies taking over the world? Then you haven’t experienced the “Zombies, run!” fitness app! Like…
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January 26, 2015

Community Challenge Spotlight: Georgetown
Georgetown won the Community Challenge in the Mid-Size bracket in 2013, and they’re already stepping up this year, so we asked them to reveal their strategy! Misha Lee, certified fitness instructor, wellness coach and city wellness committee member at the City…
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January 20, 2015

Teach Healthier in Action: Coach Katie Morris!
Last month, we launched our free Teach Healthier mobile app at the TAHPERD Convention in Galveston and met hundreds of incredible educators from around the state. Over 1,000 Texans have already downloaded Teach Healthier and are integrating the free nutrition and…
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January 20, 2015

Loving IT’S TIME From the Big Apple: Amie Hoff!
You may recognize Amie from her spots on ABC, CBS, NBC and CNBC, Dr Oz, The Today Show and Good Morning America, or you may have read her story in Shape, Fitness and Women’s Health, the New York Times, Washington Post or…
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January 11, 2015

How to Take the 2015 Community Challenge!
Which Texas Cities Will Demonstrate the Greatest Commitment to Healthy Living in 2015? If this will be your first time participating in the H-E-B Community Challenge, don’t fear. It’s easy! You can earn points for your city by doing a number…
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December 17, 2014

Growing Healthy Schools: Hear From Our Winners!
Congratulations to our Growing Healthy Schools Fall Semester Winners! Over 20 schools all over Texas raised a total of $8,700 for healthy school projects this semester and received donations from local businesses, parents, school staff, and community members. The winning schools raised…
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December 10, 2014

Meet Our Fall Interns! Marketing:
MEET RYAN GARDNER Becoming interested in health was completely accidental for me. I read Jonathan Safran Foer’s Eating Animals on the basis of a recommendation, and it opened my eyes to the world of health, behind the scenes of factory…
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December 10, 2014

The Choose Healthier Coach Hotline: Meet Coach Suzanne!
Healthy can feel complicated. Healthy can feel overwhelming. We all have questions, and we all need support! So we have created a first-of-its-kind tool, a free hotline you can call from anywhere in Texas to speak with a Health Coach who…
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November 20, 2014

Meet Our Fall Interns! Out of School Time Program:
MEET MONICA SOLIS   I didn’t know what “healthy” really was until I went to college. Throughout middle school and high school, since I wasn’t on a sports team, I was stuck in general P.E. where most coaches had my…
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November 20, 2014

Meet Our Fall Interns! Project Development:
MEET MORGAN GARRISON I started making healthier choices in college. I was on my own, so my parents weren’t around to tempt me with homemade comfort food. I also had lots of friends who loved hiking and rock climbing, and they…
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November 20, 2014

Meet Our Fall Interns! The Programs Team:
MEET LAURA CASTILLO Hi, I’m Laura Castillo-Alaniz, and being an intern for IT’S TIME TEXAS has allowed me to continue to make healthy the norm, which is exactly what the organization strives for. Growing up, I was an extremely active…
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November 13, 2014