The Blog

December 10, 2014

Meet Our Fall Interns! Marketing:


Becoming interested in health was completely accidental for me. I read Jonathan Safran Foer’s Eating Animals on the basis of a recommendation, and it opened my eyes to the world of health, behind the scenes of factory farming, the importance of organic food, and more. From there, I almost immediately adopted a plant-based diet.

Along the way, I’ve discovered the healthiness and ease of smoothies and juicing, which I now do regularly. Reading the aforementioned book also promoted me to become very heavily interested in further health documentaries and books, where I have gained a more in depth knowledge of individual nutrients, vitamins and their uses, essential oils, and more.

In regards to fitness, my interest came later when I discovered Ironman triathlete Brendan Brazier’s plant-based nutrition line, Vega, and read his books, Thrive and Thrive Fitness. I quickly realized how health and fitness work hand-in-hand. I then joined a gym, literally dusted off my old bike, started running, and began doing yoga.

It was around this point that I realized I wanted to do something in line with my recent interests in health and fitness for an internship and discovered IT’S TIME TEXAS. The result has been great – I now get to come to work and create items that actively promote my values and interests in a healthier lifestyle. It makes work feel rewarding every day, knowing that it is my job to help encourage others to be as active and healthy as possible.



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