The Blog

July 6, 2016

#healthyTXsummer Photo Contest!

Nobody knows summer heat quite like us Texans and despite our greatest efforts, we often feel that we must sacrifice some of our healthy regimens to keep our sanity and safety. From taking a jog outside to simply walking through a farmer’s market, outdoor activities can quickly turn into unpleasant experiences due to the Texas heat. When taking our children outside to play, we worry about their sun safety and hydration, and of course we have to worry about our ourselves as well. Despite all of these hindrances to outdoor activity that come into play when summer is in full swing, we must be proactive in adapting towards a healthier summer!

We understand the difficulties Texas summers bring, but that won’t stop us from living healthier lives! That’s why we want you to share photos that show how youre beating the heat for a healthy Texas summer. This photo contest will last the entire month of July on Instagram and Twitter!


The rules are simple:

  1. Share a photo (or multiple throughout the contest) of you/your family/your friends doing something healthy this month

  2. In your caption, tell us what you’re doing that makes it healthy

  3. Hashtag #healthyTXsummer in your post and make sure you follow us (@ITSTIME on Twitter and @ITSTIMETX on Instagram)

For each photo you tag us in, you’ll be entered into the drawing for a chance to win this awesome prize pack:


Share your healthy TX summer pics for a chance to win these goodies!

Here are some healthier choices that can help you have a #healthyTXsummer:

  • Sun Safety – apply sunscreen every morning to ensure that you’re covered no matter how long you’re outside. Adding some protective clothing like hats and sunglasses is always a great idea as well. If you plan on spending the day outside, be sure to reapply and don’t forget the kiddos!

  • Water Hydration – increasing your water intake during the summer is incredibly important. Even if you’re not doing anything physically active outside, the sun can drain a lot of your body’s water. For children who aren’t big fans of plain water, try low calorie water flavor additions or juice with extra water added.

  • Water activities – this is a great way to stay outside, stay active, and stay cool. Take your kids down to the local pool, a water park, lake, or ocean. Just don’t forget the sunscreen!

  • Nutrition – summer brings lots of fresh produce that are rich in vitamins and nutrients. Try some from your local grocery store and incorporate them into lunches and snacks for healthier meals.

    So when the heat is getting you down this month, keep your eye on the prize! Good luck!

Stay Connected

We use social media to share resources, tools, and information to help you, your family, and your friends live healthy lives. It’s also a great way to join and connect with a growing network of Texans committed to making living healthy easier in our great state!