The Blog

November 4, 2016

Tips to Have a Healthy Thanksgiving!


Thanksgiving is usually focused on two things: giving thanks, and eating a whole lot, but Thanksgiving doesn’t have to be all about stuffing yourself! Here are ideas for you, your family, and friends can have a tasty Thanksgiving while getting active and staying healthy:

Healthy Thanksgiving Recipes: healthy-turkey-trays

Healthy Turkey Trays– Get festive AND healthy with these fruit platters shaped like turkeys.

Healthier Green Bean Casserole– Enjoy this healthier take on the Thanksgiving classic side-dish using fresh onions, mushrooms, and, of course, green beans!

Skinny Corn Casserole– Using non-fat Greek yogurt and egg whites, put a healthy spin on that Corn Casserole.

Sweet Potato Cauliflower Mash– You can’t have Thanksgiving without the mashed potatoes, right? Maybe you can! Try this Sweet Potato Cauliflower Mash as a healthier substitute.

Healthy Pumpkin Pie– Of course no Thanksgiving is complete without the Pumpkin Pie! Using spiral-vegetable-tartcoconut milk and rolled oats, try out this healthier version.

Spiral Vegetable Tart– Looking for something unique to add to Thanksgiving dinner? Why not try out this beautiful and delicious Spiral Vegetable Tart!




turkey-huntHealthy Thanksgiving Activities:

Turkey Hunt– Make everybody earn their Turkey dinner by sending them on a hunt in and around the house for the elusive bird.

Thanksgiving Scavenger Hunt– Have fun searching wide and far for a list of Thanksgiving specific items.

Turkey Tag– Using some clothespins, paint, and googly eyes, get the kids (and adults too!) up and on their feet.

Pumpkin Roll– Head out to the backyard after dinner to see who can roll their pumpkin across the finish line first!

Turkey Bowling– While the grown-ups and big kids are out having a friendly Thanksgiving football game, set up this holiday game to let the younger kiddos get moving as well!

Participate in a Turkey Trot– All across Texas on and around Thanksgiving day, communities will be hosting Turkey Trots. Take advantage of this chance to get that heart rate up! Here’s a list of Turkey trots happening in various Texas towns and cities:

Turkey Trots in Texas











San Antonio



For more Healthy Thanksgiving ideas like these, be sure to check out our Healthy Thanksgiving Pinterest board!


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