The Blog

Featured image for “Family Health History Day: How Talking to Family Can Help Your Health”
Family Health History Day: How Talking to Family Can Help Your Health
During the holidays, when families come together, is a great time to talk about something very important – your family’s health history. As a statewide public health nonprofit, we’re all about providing support and resources to improve health and wellness.…
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November 23, 2023

Featured image for “7 Stretches to Keep You in the Game”
7 Stretches to Keep You in the Game
Here are some stretches you can do from the couch to help relieve tension and improve flexibility while your’re cheering for the Texas Rangers and watching the World Series! Couch Neck Stretch: Sit on the edge of your couch with…
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October 27, 2023

Featured image for “How to Change Your Life and Your Habits When Life Is Busy”
How to Change Your Life and Your Habits When Life Is Busy
Life can get seriously crazy, right? It’s easy for our healthy routines to go MIA when work, family, and other commitments are all competing for our attention.  Even when it feels like there’s no time left in the day, there…
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October 26, 2023

Featured image for “Decoding Food Labels and Making Informed Choices!”
Decoding Food Labels and Making Informed Choices!
As we embark on our health improvement journey, it’s essential to decipher the seemingly obscure language of food labels. Let’s unravel the truth behind common claims found on our favorite products: “All Natural”: While products labeled as “all-natural” can’t have…
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October 19, 2023

Featured image for “Embracing Lasting Change: Insights and Tips for a Healthier, Happier You”
Embracing Lasting Change: Insights and Tips for a Healthier, Happier You
Congratulations, you’re on a journey towards a healthier, happier you. As we explore some insightful takeaways and valuable tips, remember that the power to change is within you.  Start Small, Stay Consistent: Transforming your habits doesn’t require massive leaps. Begin…
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October 10, 2023

Featured image for “5 Tips to Build a Healthier Grocery List”
5 Tips to Build a Healthier Grocery List
  Spending more time at home has led to eating more meals and more snacks at your own kitchen table. There are days when it doesn’t seem like there’s a healthy food left in the house, or cooking a healthy…
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March 18, 2021

Featured image for “Registro de actividades saludables”
Registro de actividades saludables
Estamos en la recta final del Community Challenge y siento que no estoy lista para dejar de registrar todas las actividades saludables que realizo durante el día, mentiría si dijera que no disfruto ver mi lista de “My reported activity”…
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February 24, 2021

Everything You Need to Know About Diabetes
  Did you know over of 2,323,220 Texans suffer from diabetes? This means about 12.2% of adults across the state have this chronic disease. Additionally, approximately 23.8% of people who have diabetes were not aware of it prior to seeing…
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February 5, 2021

Physical Activity Lowers Blood Sugar After Meals
Have you ever stopped and wondered what the optimal timing was for your meals and workouts? There have been hundreds of studies done on this topic, and some people (whether or not they are diabetic) swear by eating and moving…
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February 5, 2021

Five Exercises You Can Do While Social Distancing
  Finding ways to stay physically active during the pandemic has been a challenge for all of us—no matter your age, fitness level, or preference of workout. Not only is it hard to stay motivated during these times, it’s also…
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January 26, 2021

Introducing the Community Challenge App
  As the pandemic continues to affect the way we all go about our daily lives, we, at It’s Time Texas, wanted to ensure you could participate safely and easily in the 2021 Community Challenge. We are excited to announce…
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January 15, 2021

Healthy actions build healthy habits in the new year
  As we look forward to a new year, we hope to take a moment and reflect on our 2020, and hold space to process personal losses, injustices witnessed, lessons learned, and even the impacts the pandemic has had on…
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January 6, 2021

Shaping the Health of Our Community
  Have you noticed more people at the parks? Witnessed an outdoor dance class? Turned your living room into a personalized activity center? Decided to plant a garden? Last time we checked, any movement you’ve been up to is a…
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November 12, 2020

Featured image for “What is Chronic Kidney Disease and Are You at Risk?”
What is Chronic Kidney Disease and Are You at Risk?
You’ve likely heard of health risks like diabetes and high blood pressure, but what about chronic kidney disease? Most people are unaware of this disease, despite it being a common ailment. Approximately 37 million American adults—more than 1 in 7—have…
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March 2, 2020

Featured image for “Community Challenge Talk: Meet Ten Inspiring Texans”
Community Challenge Talk: Meet Ten Inspiring Texans
Year after year, one of the things we love most about the Community Challenge is the incredible sense of camaraderie. When you’re working hard at something, it can help to know that you’re not alone in what you’re trying to…
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February 18, 2020