The Blog

Featured image for “Fuel Your Body Right: Tips for Achieving Balanced Nutrition”
Fuel Your Body Right: Tips for Achieving Balanced Nutrition
  Welcome to Week 4 of Sweet Summer Habits ! This week, we’re diving into the importance of balanced nutrition and exploring tips for fueling your body right. Eating a variety of nutritious foods is key to supporting overall health…
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June 23, 2024

Featured image for “Overcoming Health Challenges”
Overcoming Health Challenges
Embarking on the path to a healthier life means addressing common challenges that can make it hard to stay active. This blog will show you simple ways to tackle issues like not having enough time, bad weather, or not knowing…
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January 27, 2024

Featured image for “Unlocking the Power of Aerobic Activity”
Unlocking the Power of Aerobic Activity
As we embark on week 2 of our 8-week Community Challenge to improve our health, we’re diving into the world of aerobic activity. It is a key element in transforming your lifestyle and reducing the risk of preventable diseases. Let’s…
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January 14, 2024

Featured image for “Preventing Chronic Disease: Generational Behavior Change”
Preventing Chronic Disease: Generational Behavior Change
When it comes to health, the actions we take today can have a lasting impact on the generations that follow. It’s a powerful thought, isn’t it? It’s Time Texas is here to delve into the incredible potential of generational behavior…
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November 9, 2023

Physical Activity Lowers Blood Sugar After Meals
Have you ever stopped and wondered what the optimal timing was for your meals and workouts? There have been hundreds of studies done on this topic, and some people (whether or not they are diabetic) swear by eating and moving…
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February 5, 2021

Five Exercises You Can Do While Social Distancing
  Finding ways to stay physically active during the pandemic has been a challenge for all of us—no matter your age, fitness level, or preference of workout. Not only is it hard to stay motivated during these times, it’s also…
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January 26, 2021

Featured image for “Community Challenge Hacks: Intern Edition”
Community Challenge Hacks: Intern Edition
It’s Time Texas intern Jaelyn Valero shares how to get 800 points a day in the 2020 Community Challenge Over the past few weeks, our support inbox has received a lot of questions on how to be a tough competitor…
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February 10, 2020

Featured image for “Community Engagement Matters”
Community Engagement Matters
When it comes to building a stronger Austin, community engagement is key. – By Jose Rodriguez, Stronger Austin Intern, Spring 2019 Stronger Austin’s commitment to community engagement is in the mission statement of the It’s Time Texas program: “Driven by…
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February 28, 2019