The Blog

December 3, 2018

IT’S TIME TEXAS Community Challenge: Five Winning Strategies to Help Your Community Rise to the Top

Does your community have all systems ready to be successful in the 2019 IT’S TIME TEXAS Community Challenge?! To help your community be successful, we’ve rounded up some helpful tips from previous winners. Keep reading for strategies that your community can use to boost engagement and motivate participants!

    1. Work with your municipal leadership and local health task forces to brainstorm creative ideas for reaching community members. If your community is already registered, challenge a nearby community…the competition will really motivate your residents and your neighbors!
    2. Research free or discounted nutrition or physical activity classes/events to register people and encourage them to upload healthy selfies on the spot. Immediate points! Check out the free Choose Healthier mobile app for a list of free, or low-cost, exercise classes.
    3. Connect and work with community health organizations and businesses like Parks and Recreation, fitness cubs, and health clinics. Invite the organizations to share the Community Challenge with their customers as a free way to motivate themselves (and their friends) to meet their health goals. Encourage participants to connect Fitbits, Apple Watches or other fitness trackers to the Community Challenge website for automatic uploading.
    4. Work with school leadership to get teachers registered for the Community Challenge and principals to sign the pledge. Schools can easily conduct Teach Healthier activities and showcase activities they are already doing. There’s extra motivation to get schools involved because it not only sets a good example for children, but winning school districts will walk away with $500 to put toward new equipment!
    5. Get as many of the Mayor and Principal Pledges signed and uploaded as you can so you don’t leave a lot of points on the table!

That’s it! Reach out to your community and school leaders and invite them to motivate, inspire and unite their community in making healthier choices!

Ready, set, let’s go!

Visit the Community Challenge website to REGISTER, read FAQ‘s, download RESOURCES and CONTACT US.

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We use social media to share resources, tools, and information to help you, your family, and your friends live healthy lives. It’s also a great way to join and connect with a growing network of Texans committed to making living healthy easier in our great state!