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Thank you for signing up for Sweet Summer Habits!

We're excited to help you make the most of your summer with healthy, fun, and engaging activities. Use the button below to download all materials, or review the links below for separate materials to be downloaded and start your journey towards a healthier, happier summer. Enjoy!

ImageA group of kids riding bikes outside

Downloadable Resources

Click the images below to download the support documents for the Sweet Summer Habits campaign.
Sweet Summer Habits logo

Thank you for signing up for Sweet Summer Habits!

We're excited to help you make the most of your summer with healthy, fun, and engaging activities. Use the button below to download all materials, or review the links on this page for separate materials to be downloaded and start your journey towards a healthier, happier summer.

If you are enjoying this content, we also ask you to consider making a donation today, which supports programs like Sweet Summer Habits and our mission to build healthier futures for Texans.

Download All Materials
Group of Women at Fitness Training

Free Fitness & Nutrition Classes

It's Time Texas offers free fitness and nutrition classes to all Texans and all fitness levels! Formats include Zumba, yoga, MixxedFit and more. Classes are available in English and Spanish!
View Class Schedule

FREE Telehealth Coaching

It’s Time Texas’ free, confidential, one-on-one telehealth coaching program is available in Spanish and English, via phone, text, and video, so that every Texan has access to professional support with setting their personal health goals, establishing healthier habits, and preventing and managing chronic conditions. Call (844) 262-6224 today to register, and don't forget to mark your It’s Time Texas Sweet Summer Habits Campaign score sheet!
Learn More
A woman looking at her phone and smiling before an exercise classImage

One Goal: Health for All!

Virtual Zumba | Virtual Kickboxing | Virtual Yoga | Virtual Cardio & Strength | Virtual MixxedFit

Register NOW for FREE, VIRTUAL Physical Activity Classes! Available in English and Spanish six days a week, these classes are designed to meet the needs of Texans at any fitness level. Keep track of the classes you attend in June, earning points for your It’s Time Texas Sweet Summer Habits Scorecard!

View Virtual Activity Class Schedule

Stay Connected

We use social media to share resources, tools, and information to help you, your family, and your friends live healthy lives. It’s also a great way to join and connect with a growing network of Texans committed to making living healthy easier in our great state!