The Blog

September 18, 2015

Provider Spotlight: Foodie Kids!

Are you one of many adults who suffer from a serious cooking phobia? Barbara Beery, a local author and entrepreneur, thinks the answer is getting us all cooking earlier in life! Barbara founded Foodie Kids 25 years ago, out of a passion for cooking and understanding what kids need to develop productive and healthy habits. What started out as one of the only out-of-home cooking classes in Austin quickly grew into a bustling location full of eager young chefs and bakers. The popularity of Food Kids has gotten Barbara featured everywhere from the Martha Stewart Radio Show to The New York Times to the Today Show!

Today, Foodie Kids is co-operated by Barbara’s daughter Kaley, who brings the same passion for kids and culinary arts as her mom!


“I think [cooking] should be fun and relaxing. Eliminating the fear and stress of cooking and making it a fun activity like soccer or art is what we are trying to do. We want cooking to be an extracurricular activity that people want to be involved in!”

– Kaley Beery

Through their diverse, fun, and interactive classes, Foodie Kids allows children as young as two years old to experience how easy and fun making their own food can be. They teach their older students prep techniques that will stay with them for a lifetime, like how to chop, dice, mix, bake and even sauté! Everything is provided in class: the cooking utensils, the food students can taste-test and bring home with them, and lots of encouragement! Foodie Kids also hosts parties, camps and workshops for the holidays, and offers Makery activities where parents can drop off their kiddos for a short period to decorate, make snacks, or even bake a cake! At the end of the day, it’s all about making sure that kids are comfortable interacting with food and having fun at the same time. 


“The exposure and awareness of food, what you are putting in your meal, what you are putting in your body, and doing it yourself is a great thing for kids to know and be around.” We couldn’t agree more, and we love that Foodie Kids starts working with kid so early on!


To stay updated with the different camps, workshops, and classes, download the Choose Healthier app and visit the Foodie Kids website to sign up! Be sure to check Foodie Kids out on Facebook and visit their blog!

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