The Blog

February 11, 2015

Healthy Selfie Photo Contest: Win ‘Eat the Rainbow’ For a Local School!


In honor of the School District Challenge, and to celebrate the amazing healthy activities and Teach Healthier lessons you’ve been leading in your school communities this month, we’re teaming up with our friends at Eat the Rainbow Challenge (ETRC) to give away a digital package to one elementary school!

All you have to do to win this amazing giveaway for a school of your choice is post Healthy Selfies eating fruits and veggies to social media (Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram) with the hashtags #HEBCC #ETRChallenge today through Sunday, February 22nd! We, and our friends at ETRC will select one winner at random to announce next Monday! You can use Healthy Selfies and School Shout Outs you’ve already uploaded for the Community Challenge, or take new ones, that show you, your friends, your family, or your students eating the rainbow! We challenge you to have a colorful healthy snack every day this week, and post each day!

How Eat the Rainbow Works:

Designed to get your students loving fruits & veggies, the digital Eat the Rainbow Challenge is a 5-Day game with fun banners, tickets, and instructions to implement in an elementary school. With marketing materials and a video tutorial included, ETRC sends you everything you need to organize a fun and successful healthy school event! Eat the Rainbow Challenge in schools has resulted in 75% of kids eating more than 3 fruits and veggies at lunch and trying 1-2 new produce items after participating!


Stay Connected

We use social media to share resources, tools, and information to help you, your family, and your friends live healthy lives. It’s also a great way to join and connect with a growing network of Texans committed to making living healthy easier in our great state!