The Blog

January 8, 2016

Community Challenge Spotlight: San Angelo, TX


With almost two weeks of the 2016 Community Challenge under our (slightly looser) belts, there is already fierce competition in every size category! One close-call exists between San Angelo, Texas and Allen, Texas at the top of the mid-sized city category. Allen currently takes the lead by a hair, but San Angelo won it last year and they’ve got a mayor who is serious about the competition.

Mayor Dwain Morrison set an ambitious goal for the Challenge last year. In February 2015, I stated in my Community Challenge video that I was determined to lose 40 pounds of San Angelo’s Mayorship, and I did it! I lost the promised 40 pounds. I’ve gained 10 of those pounds back since Thanksgiving, so I am on the diet wagon again. A healthy diet is very important in all stages of life, but as we ‘mature’, it becomes even more important.  I turned 65 in 2015 and calories are now harder to burn off and tend to congregate in the middle.  Some refer to a pot belly as a ‘furniture disease’ because the chest falls into the drawers.  It ain’t pretty and it ain’t healthy.” Mayor Morrison is encouraging all San Angelo residents to get back on the health train in the new year, and he’s walking the walk. “I am determined to regain my svelte figure in 2016, and I encourage the citizens of San Angelo to do the same.  A healthy diet that includes fruits and vegetables and everything else in moderation is the surest way to avoid obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.  Please join me to develop and follow a sensible diet plan throughout the new year, and earn points for San Angelo in the Challenge!”


A motivated mayor always helps a community’s chances of winning this competition. Another ingredient that promises great success? Motivated organizers. Jeff Rotman, Radio News/PSA Director for the San Angelo radio stations, heard about the Challenge from news releases sent his way last year and got involved in a big way!

“I thought it was a great idea and wanted to do everything I could to help boost our city’s points,” Jeff shared. “It was an amazing response as San Angelo came in first in the mid size category. I hope we make it to number 1 this year! I have and will continue to partake in my walks and bike rides my wife as I have done for years! I also watch what I eat. Texans, and San Angeloans too, as Mayor Morrison says, ‘giddy-up’ and get started to lose the weight and get fit!”

While Jeff spreads the word to his community over the radio, staff at the local H-E-B are participating every day, snapping Healthy Selfies and Workplace Activities!


This crew goes above and beyond by teaming up with local businesses and organizations to plan public events like this one at their store:


Getting creative and forming partnerships like these to make the Challenge a community-wide affair is the whole idea, and it’s the recipe for success if your community has its eyes on the prize! Great work, San Angelo, and “giddy-up,” Texas!

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