The Blog

February 22, 2016

Community Challenge Spotlight: Athens!

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As the 2016 Community Challenge heats up at the halfway point, Athens, TX is battling with Prosper, TX in the small size category! Across the town, folks are making serious efforts to improve the health of the community. One school in Athens that’s working particularly hard to advance the health of its students and staff is Bel Air Elementary.

To promote healthy living, instructors at Bel Air are incorporating physical activity into their lessons and teaching kids about super foods and healthy snack choices. The school has also organized a Zumba class for faculty members and is currently talking about holding a teacher kickball tournament.

Kimberly Hanson, a teacher at Bel Air, says, “We are pushing each other to be more healthy and active. No matter what level someone is at, we are there to support each other.”


Bel Air decided to participate in the Community Challenge because it wanted to make a positive impact on the health of its teachers and students.

Hanson says, “This is the first time I have participated, but I think it is something that we should continue to do even after the Challenge ends. Our impact can run deep when we educate our students about being healthy.”

By hearing teachers talk about health and seeing them make healthy choices, students are encouraged to lead healthier lives, Hanson says. “As a teacher, I want to be the best I can be for these kids. If I’m not doing my part, eating healthy, being physically active, and teaching nutrition to the kids, then I’m not being a good role model.”


Although Athens is currently in second place in its division, Hanson isn’t letting it get to her head. “I don’t see this as a competition between communities. Everyone who has stepped up and made this pledge is a winner. We are all winners because we chose to do what’s best for us,” Hanson says.

For Hanson, improving the health of her students is more important than winning the competition. “No matter if we win or lose, I know I’m making a huge impact in the lives of these kids because they are making healthier choices every day. IT’S TIME for communities to educate the youth on the importance of being healthy! They are our future!” She says.

Keep up the awesome work, Athens!


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