The Blog

August 11, 2015

7 Ways to Keep the Whole Family Moving!

Summer can be a difficult time to keep the family active. School is still out of session and after school sports programs may be on hold for the break. Push through the heat and round up the family to try these activities! You’ll get a great workout in, and make memories before school starts up. 

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  1. Kayaking

If you live near a lake or river go rent a kayak for a couple of hours to encourage a different way to get some exercise. It will be great to work together to paddle around your city and sightsee. Look for turtles, fish, birds, and interesting plants to keep the kids entertained.  

     2. Hiking

Plan a weekend trip to a state park with a picnic as a treat!  Another change in scenery may keep the kids excited to explore. There will be plenty of opportunities for photos, as well! Visit the state parks website to find a Texas state park near you. 

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    3. Family 5k

Sign up for a run/walk 5k with the whole family. You can take a few group practice walks/runs together to prepare, and everyone will feel accomplished as they cross the finish line together! Check the Choose Healthier App for upcoming events in Central TX. 

    4. Biking

Ride your bikes around the neighborhood, or take them to a local bike trail for something different. This will keep the family moving outdoors for free! 

    5. Playing “coach”

This is a great game for the little ones. Pick someone to be the “coach” and have them tell you what physical activity to do. For example, you could do push-ups, sit-ups, jumping jacks and high knees. Make sure to take turns as the coach, so everyone will get a chance to perform the exercises!

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    6. Gardening

Spend time moving and strengthening while making something beautiful! Gardening with the family is a great way to exercise without even thinking about it. You can also incorporate healthy fruits and vegetables from your homegrown garden into your meals.  Ask each family member to pick one type of plant that they want in the garden to make the experience special. If you don’t have the space for a garden, look for community gardens near you.

    7. Freeze Dancing

This activity is great for when it is too hot to be outdoors. Make a kid-friendly playlist and have the family show you their best dance moves. When you stop the music, they must freeze where they are. Anyone that flinches or continues to dance is out. The last one dancing wins!


Written by Paige Kroll, IT’S TIME TEXAS marketing intern. 


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