The Blog

March 31, 2022

2022 Collaborative Innovations for Community Health Grantees

grantees for collaborative innovations for community health

It’s Time Texas’ mission is to empower Texans to lead healthier lives and build healthier communities. Our statewide organization brings people, communities, and organizations together to take action that supports health for all, now and generations to come. We believe that every Texan should have an equal opportunity to live a long and healthy life, but we recognize that social and environmental factors have long prevented that vision from becoming a reality. To truly address health for all Texans, we take a systemic approach that centers and values community voices to address the root causes of poor health in their community. We work to create a culture of health where health is a shared value and health equity is a reality.

Through a Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas, Healthy Kids, Healthy Families grant, It’s Time Texas has awarded five community-based organizations in both the Galveston County and San Antonio area sub-grant funding toward their supportive and effective programming. Totaling $150,000 in sub-grants, these organizations improve critical health outcomes in their communities, removing barriers to access and advancing community conditions for health and wellness.

“We are very excited to be entering year two of this partnership with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas,” said Amy McGeady, CEO of It’s Time Texas. “This gap-filling funding will not only support immediate outcomes to address health-related social needs, but will also provide community access to resources and programs offered by It’s Time Texas to build community capacity to create long-term solutions.”

Through this Collaborative Innovations for Community Health project, the grantees will work collaboratively with It’s Time Texas to improve their communities and have their stories told. Resources will be rapidly deployed to both Galveston and San Antonio communities where strategic investments of support and resources will improve health. The funded project work by each organization will begin mid-March and finish December 31, 2022.

Check out our 2022 Grantees!






Keep up with all five of these grantees progress throughout 2022 and see how It’s Time Texas supports their work by checking back to our website, and following @itstimetx on social media!


This project has been funded at least in part with Federal funds from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The contents of this publication do not necessarily reflect the view or policies of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.


Date Posted: 3/31/2022

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